Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Colour research

 This is the research I did to find the right colors for my magazine

The offroad theme is associated with dirt, mud and soil ( earthy elements) I have to use colors that match these elements. A research I did was scrolling through google and finding color theories, these theories helps me identify the different emotions and meanings that colors portray. 

To still have the offroad theme I decided to choose a more brown-ish gradient to still conform to the offroad magazine convention which is to have earthy colors.  Though, I still had to get my teacher's opinion on the color selection as well from my friends that likes the automotive topic. Such as the the change I did on my contents page where the colors weren't related to earthy colors, my teacher gave me feedback to change it to a more brown-ish/darker color in order to follow the theme/conventions

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