Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Magazine layout tutorial

 In this post i will demonstare some basic design skills that i learned in class

I started by sketching, it was quite difficult since it was very messy but I got the ideas flowing for some potential front cover magazine, we were only given 5 minutes to draw therefore the ideas may not be as good. 

Then we proceeded to using our devices to practice some default layouts for magazine covers that has been set up by our teacher. Firstly it was hard for me to use google draw since I had to use my trackpad on my laptop ( im more comfortable using a mouse). The results arent good since this is just practice in the future I hope I can get more creative with design making.

Then our teacher introduced to us some designing policies which are borders, hierarcchy of type , type face and colour. After this I changed my whole layout and started fresh so that I could have an idea that i can put all these factors into one. I used more colors and added borders in order to neatly structure the layout making it look more neat. I was satisfied with the result but I think I couldve done better.

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