Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Location Scout and Risk assesment

 This is my location scout and risk assesment for my photoshoots





Purpose of shoot:

Finding a location for the magazine 

Media language:

Mis-en-scene: Lake, trees, grass, jimny, Sunset orange, Rocks, gravel, dark natural lighting.
Camera shots;
- Low angle to make the jimny look more menacing and cool
-Long shot showing the whole area making the jimny look more natural
-Close shot to highlight the details and features of the car

Pros of location:

The place has an amazing view of the sunset as well as the lake, the location features less buildings surrounding it which makes it seem more natural.

Cons of location:

 Its usually crowded with people so it may be hard to find the right timing making it peaceful.

Alternative Location:

This is only the entrance therefore i can go even further down the dam to find anotehr location



Potential hazards:

Natural disaster such as earthquakes and tsunamis
Bad weather I hope it doesnt rain so it wont damage my camera equipment and the sunset will show
Cars and other motorbikes may pass by

Evaluate risks:

Since its crowded people may disturb my designated location such as people passing by

Control measures:

Find the right timing where the location is quiet and not crowded
Pray that no natural disasters will happen

Implementation Timeframe:

The day after 





Purpose of shoot:

Location for jimny

Media language

Mis-en-scene: Jimny, rocks, gravel, grass

Close shot

Long shot

Medium shot

Pros of location:

Easy access

Cons of location:

Crowded lots of trash

Alternative Location:

My garage



Potential hazards:

Equipment may overheat and catch fire, malfunction violently, heatstroke.

Evaluate risks:

Take breaks in the middle of photoshoot, if too hot, take pictures in afternoon before evening. Potential rain as well since the month Im taking the pictures is at February there may be chances of rain

Control measures:

Check the weather forecast before I do the photoshoot

Implementation Timeframe:

Every morning I have to check hte weather forecast and schedule my photoshoot in the afternoon to get a nice sunset 




Purpose of shoot:

Location for jimny

Media language

Mis-en-scene: Jimny, mostly concrete, roof , trees

Close shot, to show the details of the jimny such as the interior or the engine

Long shot, a whole body shot of the jimny for the magazine cover

Medium shot, Possibly for the content page to have more pictures of the jimny

Pros of location:

Easy access

I can manage my time since the place its right next to my house

Cons of location:

Usually crowded

Alternative Location:

The road in front of my house



Potential hazards:

Equipment may overheat and catch fire, malfunction violently, heatstroke, bad weather such as rain since it cant be predicted

Evaluate risks:

If it rains I can always take cover under the roof or go inside my house, If its full of people or too crowded I can use my alternative location which is the road in front of my house

Control measures:

Check the weather forecast and inform my parents that I need to use the area for a photoshoot

Implementation Timeframe:

Before I do every photoshoot I need to check the weather and possibly the clouds. If it does get too crowded I can take the pictures at night when its dark

The problem with the locations is that, my jimny isn't capable of going long range distances. A small fuel tank and constant breakdowns, Its chasis is too weak and the parts are too old. So it was a struggle for me to figure a way to display the jimny for an offroad magazine. I live in denpasar, which is a city in Bali. Filled with buildings and barely any rough terrain or "offroad" tracks for me to do a photoshoot on, therefore I had to subvert conventions of offroad car magazines which was to have the car actually going offroad and instead I would have the jimny just sitting.  This was a major problem for me but I do like the challenge so I will stick with this idea and see how it goes

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