Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 These are the terms ive learned throughout the lessons learning about magazine

 These tables filled with parts of a magazine cover assisted me with my tasks. Such as the research and the labeling task given to analyse parts of a magazine cover that allows it to target its niche target audience. Especially with the definitions given on the side, it helps me understand and locate where is this term located. In addition, I also used this as a way to review before my 2nd unit test which was about how demographics and psychographics is used to target audience



The title of the article


Additional info found beneath the headline (Crosshead)


The author of the article 

Pull quote

A quote taken from the article, with the font/size colour changed. 

Drop Cap

The first letter of the article enlarged. 

White space

Empty space in the spread, used to break up the content (negative space)


Empty space around the edges


Standard layout of magazines


Pages of a magazine that should be viewed together (usually two)


Information about an image. 

Mode of address

The way the magazine/article addresses the audience. Formal, casual, direct (for images too)


The top section of a newspaper which gives the paper’s title, price and date


Memorable phrase that is associated with the magazine.

Cover line

Titles of stories featured in the magazine 

Main cover line

The most important article featured, grabs the audience’s attention (featured article)

Main image

The dominant image on the cover


Used for retailers


A list of keywords featured at the top of the cover


The upper and left third are the most important. why?


An image of an item

Puff / Boxout

A smaller image/text to stand out from the rest of the information (puff=circle. boxout=square)


Exclusive, free, new, special edition


A block of colour with info inside, usually stretches the width of the cover

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