Thursday, October 26, 2023

Magazine Development

Here is the development process for my magazine. I will put all of my ideas here and reflect on the decisions that I make. The genre I chose for my magazine is a car magazine with its sub genre being offroad cars

Genre: Automobile 

Sub genre: Offroad Cars

Name of magazine: 

1. Offroad
2. Vintage car
3. The offroad grandpa
4. Back to the past, 80's adventurer
5. Back from retirement : offroad legend 
6. Suzuki Jimny 1984: The Off-Road Legend
7. Jimny 1984: 4x4 Icon of the Past

I decided I would like to use the Back to the past, 80's adventurer for my magazine.  Back to the past is  a good way to get the audience's attention as the car I am using the 1984 jimny as my main focus, its a vintage car and I can also use the title as my USP  .

Possible cover lines: 
 - conquer the muds!
- Built to roam and adventure
- Offroad tips and tricks 
- Guardian of the jungle: 4x4 adventurer
- The japanese 4x4 legend
- Step on the pedal!
- The rock crawler
- Muddy wars
- How to offroad like a pro
- Adventure waits!

I feel like i can make a proper article about this cover line therefore i decide to make The japanese 4x4 legend. I can add a bit of history on the backstory of how this car was born and What it can do. I would also take note that I need to be able to take the pictures that is related to the coverline, in this case I think I can do it, since its just about the car. To add maybe I will also take pictures of the car going offroad to make it more entertaining. 

- The suzuki jimny, its interior, exterior, engine, probably close up shots of this to make it highly detailed
-. Maybe a picture of it going through offroad terrain such as a long shot of the dirty car going through mud .

Main cover image: I would like to use a long shot of the front side of the suzuki jimny in an offroad terrain. I want to make the jimny look badass and strong at the cover to succesfully attract my target audience. Though I think it will be quite difficult to find a proper location to have the photoshoot.

Double page spread

I would like to use lots of pictures to show the detailed aspects of the car that will make it seem like its the ulitmate offroad machine. The text would be a narrow column to fit most of the pictures onto the page, most likely  I will use subheadings to differentiate the content and place the picture next to it to emphasise on what I am trying to talk about. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Statement Of Intent


This is my statement of intent and here is the link in case it doesnt work

So I needed multiple references in order to do this task. I asked multiple friends on their target audience and their opinion on who should I target. I feel like nowadays people should know about this jimny, thus I figured why not targeted to nearly all ages (10-60 ). I also looked up some jimny magazines to get a usual convention that a jimny magazine would have, such as the cover having a long shot of a jimny going through terrain as well as the mis-en-scene mostly found is dirt, gravel and mud.   I have a passion for cars, Ive always liked them as a child and being at this age where I can drive cars makes me want to explore more. To make it unique, instead of modern offroad cars or a stock jimny, I will use my own jimny which has been customised. I can use most of this knowledge and apply it for content such as my double page. I hope I will be able to accomplish my expectations on this magazine project

Magazines: Targeting Audiences through Demographics + Psychographics + Genre Theory

 Here are my notes from a lesson about how media companies target audiences I worked as part of a group but participated in the discussion 

Nothing Beats Up OGs, September 2022 (issue), Future plc, Maverick Magazines (publisher)

The World of Server-Side Events, September-Octorber 2023 (issue), EPS Software Corp (publisher)

Here is a layout made by my teacher about how to answer a Section B exam question using the Genre Theory

The genre theory combined with the section B task was quite difficult for me, as it was hard for me to come up with different magazines and compare them. Luckily this task was done in a group and I was assited alot by my friends. I was the one who decided to choose those two magazine covers. It is becomes it was quite easy to identify the genre and the aspects of the cover that makes it able to target the right audience. The practice helps me give a brief idea on how to answer these types of questions, similar to writing a plan for an english test, this may help coming up with a good answer more quickly

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Stuart Hall: Representation Theory

 This is a research I did on the representation theory that I can apply to my magazine research

This is a task about representation theory that weve learned in class. Though this meaning is still very confusing at first but then as my teacher ( Mr Nick) talks about it more I start to understand it more. It says that anything doesnt have a meaning, it depends on how we see it - by then it creates a meaning. With this, it helps me reflect on my magazine research and magazine project if I am doing it properly. It also helps me question if I am representing and targeting my audience properly. In the future, I will also try to use this theory to answer my sections A's and B's because I think this theory applies to most questions such as how does it represent a niche audience or a certain topic


Representation theory states that media doesnt have or reflect meaning, rather it creates meaning . While as representation is a way aspects in life are shown to the audience. 

    What is a stereotype

A way of reducing a group or an individual to a smaller category of the same idea. A reason why stereotype is used is to make it easier for the audience to understand the differences and what is being shown in the media


Religion, Age, Gender, Social class, LGBT, Disability , Race

What is the group

Foreigners in Bali

How are they represented 

Negative: stupid, reckless action, clueless, destructive, no shame.
Mis-en-scene: Seen they arent's using a helmet. In a position where its dangerous to ride the motorbike
Reason: the reason for this is to highlight and warn other foreigners to act more ethically, not act freely when they're in another country. 
How does the audience receive the message: According to Stuart Hall's reception theory depending on somebody's ethnicity they will have a different opinion on the media. As a Bali local, I would want these foreginers to get out of Bali or deatained since it ruins Bali's image of being a paradies island

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Magazine research

 Here is the preliminary research for my magazine to figure out the genre I was searching for. 

This is the link to my double page spread research

A major problem I faced with this research is that my time management was horrile, I heavily underestimated this task and faced the consequences. I thought this task would take 2-3 hours, which in the end took me 4-5 hours to do. This has really opened me up and realise time management is key when I am in media studies, I will expect more thing sto come and I will be more prepared. Talking about the research, finding a car magazine was also difficult for me to find because at the time none of my friends had an extra magazine they could lend to me, so in the end I used other genre magazine for research such as fashion and architechture. The genre I chose for my project was automotive, thus in this research I have multiple genres. However, the multiple genres allows me to explore reasons and ideas on why was the magazine made that way. Such as why is there only a close shot of a watch used. It helped me develop ideas for my future magazine project which will come in handy when I need to start developing and creating the magazine

Magazines will compete against each other in order to get a proper position in the shelf. Usually the most recommended spot is at the very top or eye level. When people enter a supermarket, looking at a shelf they tend to look at the very top then to the bottom, therefore companies are willing to pay lots of money for the top position. As seen that magazines will rely on the upper third of the magazine to attract the audience's attention since it will be the most visible if they aren't placed at the very front . Because of this it makes me more aware of where to place these taglines and masthead. I will take note of this to make sure that my design will be capable of attracting and standing out among competitors. Instead of mainly focusing on making it beautiful I also need to figure out ways to market it properly via placement of texts.

The time place magazine

The time place magazine is filled with information perfect for timepiece enthuasist. 

Media language
The typical convection for a branded watch magazine is that it will have a luxurious and elegant look on the front cover.  The time place magazine has conformed to that convection by including a close shot of a  Piaget watch. The metallic-grey color in the background of the magazine makes it feel more mature and natural, since the magazine wants the audience to full concentrate on the watch presented. As seen from the bright lighting that highlights the details of the watch. It clearly shows that the magazine is targeted for people that has an interest in collecting watches or loves fashion. It can also be seen that the coverlines surrounds the main image ( the watch) to further direct their attention to the middle row of the magazine. To add with the words such as "MY FINEST HOUR" and "Life's Special Moments" connotes the feeling of elegance supports the convection that the front cover is trying to represent. 

Branded watches are represented as rich items that complements well on fashion. In this magazine, it may be targeted towards men of middle aged around 20-30. The color grey connotes a sign of dominance and strength, the front cover has succesfully conveyed this convection. 

The time place would target mostly people who has an interest in watches and loves fashion. According to the Uses & Gratification theory by Bulmer & Katz, the audience would read this magazine for surveillance, since they can might be interested in watches or fashion. The appealing high quality image of the watch facing upwards towards the audience would be the main hook to attract their attention. The bright lighting allows the watch to be seen more and gives a more lush affect, it would be difficult to not look at the magazine if I were to be a watch or fashion enthusiast .

The company has always used this method and design on their front cover with a certain type of watch as the main image. Though the watch brands vary on each version of magazine to create a diverse selection for audiences to choose from. The company also provides a website which shows all of the versions of magazine and an option to download the PDF online version of the magazine.

Asri Magazine

This magazine discusses about architechture 

Media Language
A usual convection for an architecture is that it shows their creations or designs via a long shot, extreme long shot or an establishing shot. In this cover, the magazine uses a long shot to allow all of the details and furniture to be seen clearly in a high quality image. The colors are warm and mostly green, this connotes a cozy, comfortable and relaxing. Mis-en-scene such as the plants give the picture a more natural feeling, it shows that the magazine is trying to target people who loves greenery and loves the ecosystem. The use of the lighting in this cover is one of the key elements to enlighten the scene. The reflections on the furniture attracts attention to force the audience to focus on the detail.

The green color brightening the room, the wooden furniture and the plants. All of these aspects in the main image of the magazine represents mother nature. It connnotes a tranquil, soft ambience to the magazine. It shows that the magazine is trying to target audiences that are interested in nature as well as like the idea of being relaxed. This is a general convection of natural materials such as wood or the green and yellow ish colors that it creates a natural feeling as if the audience was in the wild like in a forest.

This asri magazine targets people of the age 17- 60+ , specifically people who are interested in furniture designs such as this. Relating to the Users & Gratification theory by Bulmer and Katz, audiences may read this magazine for Surveillance. The high ,quality long shot the interior of the house represents the whole magazine of what the audience is about to expect. Therefore with all the mis-en-scene included in the main image audience may derive information about furniture or architechutral education. I like the use of lighting used in the main image because it really brightens up the area and reveals the whole idea of the magazine, it has succesfully caught my eye. However, as I am not into both architechtural or furniture I still have an interest in the magazine. According to thte users and gratification I am reading this magazine for diversion. Another detail I like is that its not only for education though the successful development of the soft and soothing atmosphere that the cover has given. Audience would love to take their time and read this magazine to enjoy the relaxing moment as going through the magazine.

The green and natural furniture and arhictechtural can make this magazine stand out amongst other modern magazines in the same industry. This is because a normal convection found on modern furniture magazines is that the mis-en-scene found is mostly marble and concrete, the color dominant is white. Knowing this Asri can create a Unique Selling Point by appling its natural, wood designs to the industry. 



Since I am thinking of doing a car magazine I can use this as inspiration to bring up new ideas to my magazine. Starting off with the main cover, a convection for old cars that it displays elegance and formality. As well it is mostly targeted to people aged 40-70+, people who enjoys collecting cars or loves classical old cars. However, this magazine subverts the convection for the old cars. This is becasue as seen from the main cover that its too crowded and makes the cover look "cheap" not really trying to focus on one car but to many different cars. The contents page looks cool to me, eventhough it is still crowded, the long shots of the cars gives variety with many things to look at. This allows audiences to spend more time looking through the cars. 


Though I am doing a car magazine, this magazine has a good structure that I like. The main cover image gives out a relaxing vibe and ambience to the magazine especially with the main image covering the whole cover. It looks like the magazine is targeted towards teens at the age of 16+, the colors are bright, the mis-en-scene in the images creates an aestethic vibe as the audience reads through the magazine. Eventhough I aim to not create the same vibe instead I aim for a manly vibe, I can learn from this magazine on how to position my images and take the right pictures.

The design of the magazine to me looks simplistic, this is because the producer is trying to let the pictures take most of the audience's attention. The magazine is trying to target audiences at the age of 15-20 above , mostly to both of the genders. The cover's typeface consist of large text or the masthead "lionmag" in a white font and not a lot of coverline can be seen. Because of this I can derive that the producer is mainly relying on their photography and scenery in order to catch the audience's eye. Though this is clearly targeted towards a mass market as it doesnt specifically target a niche portion of people, it just shows the beauty of Indonesia. For me this might not suit my idea for the magazine as I will have have to target a niche portion of people, so I may have to add more coverlines and more diverse images in order to keep the audience entertained. 


First of all I dont like the magazine cover , It doesnt really attract my attention maybe because its because its not targeted to me but to people ages 40-50 years old. However the use of different colors and the unique positioning of images in the contents page is an aspect I like in this magazine.  The variety in colors gives more emotion to the magazine, a technique I would take note of to make my magazine. Finally the double page has used boxes to specifically highlight specific content within the articles, this is also a method I would like to take note of when making my magazine.

Here is a link to my double page spread research + development

Weekly progress and plan

 Here is my weekly progress for my magazine project and also a rough plan 



Term 2


Term 3


(2 Oct)

Brief, Research


( 8 Jan)









Shoot, Self Reflection




Post Production




Post Production




(12 Feb)

Deadline (Monday 12th February)





Week 1

 - Today we learned about the magazine terminology , which is alot to dig in since there is so many terminologies and its quite confusing. Though it might be useful for the magazine project
- Yesterday we learned about the narrative theory such as the binary opposite and the 5 codes which can be very helpful for section A's.
- On Monday we just reviewed the materials from term 1 by playing a game which was fun

Week 2
- We did a section A group work on One Piece analysis, It was still quite difficult for me to get used to the structure but with the help of friends we were able to do it.
- We also learned about the representation theory by stuart  hall, it really shows how media creates a meaning, on the gold roger analysis we tried to decode on how was he represented. In my group he was represented as an infamous influencial character as since he created a new era which is the era of the pirates.
- We were also given homework for labeling and analysing the magazine cover, I did one for a Elle magazine which is about fashion. I was confused on how to label since I still dont really know about the parts of a magazine cover.

I decided to change the format of the weekely progress

Week 3
- Continued our research on the magazine covers
- Did more labeling on the magazine article
- Took photos of the magazine covers fur further research
Problems - Time managemet it was really hard for me to get some time to do the research as since it also collided with other subjects such as Math and Business studies.
To-do - Finish the research and statement of intent before Friday.

Week 4
- We learned about genre theory which is how demographic and psychographics can be used to target audiences, this is helpful as it helps me plan out my target audience for my magazine project.
Problems - Time mangament I rushed most of the work because I had bad time management. I aslo had problems on coming with titles and coverlines
Solution - I will have better time management and finish up my work next week, and for ideas I will use the help of chatgpt

Week 5 
- Continued the project lesson mainly focusing on researching the double page spread 
- On Monday we did a gallery walk on all the theories
- I was sick for most of the week so I missed Monday's lesson
- I havent uploaded my statement of intent onto my blogger
- I havent finished my double page spread reasearch
- I asked my friends for help to tell me what was the lesson about
- I will complete all of my tasks
To do: Research more car related magazine

Week 6
- We had to complete our double page spread analysis
- We started on writing the article for our double page spread
- I didnt have a lot of car magazines for my double page spread analysis
- I also had bad time management so the double page spread analysis was rushed
- I needed more content in order to achieve 700 words for my article
To do
- Complete my 700 word article

Week 7 
- This is our last week of term 2
- We also did a checklist for our blogger. It is a checklist in order to check if we have all the required posts. It helped me alot since I can go back and fill out the missing sections in my blog post
- I havent completed my checklist therefore I need to finish it in my 2 month break from school
- As well I need to accomplish my magazine articles
To do
- Photoshoot for my car cover magazine

This is a checklist for the blog posts that were required to be in our blogger. This really helped me organise and check for the tasks that hasn't been done, as seen that most of my checks that are gone are from reflections that hasn't been filled. From this point I will try my best to fill my blogposts with more reflection . I hope I will be able to fill this checklist and check all the boxes

Week 1 semester 2
  • This week we learned about stages of film making which includes Production Distribution and Exhibition for two sessions
  • Today I listened to the feedback my teacher gave for 10 minutes and will soon fix everything in my blog according to the feedback 
  • Started to make a blog on my photoshoot to reflect the potential dangers and ideas im gonna do
To do plan:
- Fix my blog according to the feedback such as incresing the ofont size for the weeks in my weekly progress
- Take more pictures for the photoshoot

Week 2 semester 2

  • Today I learned how to create a proper and neat layout for a magazine cover 
  • Learned abot the principles of a magazine cover which is borders hierarchy of type, type face and colour.
  • I also took some pictures for practice

Shooting plan
- I will take pictures for my magzine cover and contents page at the 27th of january (Saturday)

Week 3 Sesmester 2

  • Today I started designing drafts for my magazine cover, I made some but it wasnt my final so i have to finalize and correct my mistakes.
  • I also need to do a shoot for my pictures this week
  • Our teacher also gave some extra days for the deadline of the magazine project which is a relief because I usually need more time for big projects.

Week 4 Semester 2

  • Today I started on doing my critical self reflection presentation, there were some questions I still havent completed , nextime I really need to catch up and finish everything step by step
  • Plan: finish up my critical self reflection and finish up my magazine main cover image design

Week 5 Semester 2

  • We prorgressed on doing the front cover  
  • Things to do: I need to create more design, start progressing again on my critical self reflection
  • Plan: Progress through this week taking more pictures for more idea angles and presentation

Week 6 Semester 2

  • This week I did a lot of progress on the magazine such as the cover contents and double page spread
  • Problems: There was a ceremony at school that cut our session in half, I didnt have a good enough pictures for my contents page and magazine double page spread . My designs require more feedback from my teacher because I do think that it needs a lot of improvement. As well I didnt do a lot of research to get more ideas
  • Solutions: Do it a homework, take more pictures, get more feedback and add some finishing touches to my blogs such as adding more reflection and research

Week 7 Semester 2 ( DEADLINE)

  • This week I did most of the double page spread , I still haven't came up with a good idea for it but I have been trying to get more feedback and get more ressearch done. As well I continued on the contents page though I wasn't satisfied with the results
  • Problems: I need to come up with a good structure for my double page spread, I also need more feedback on my contents page as since it doesn't look as good.
  • Solution: I need to get more feedback and research as well as probably do it over the Weekend
  • This week is the deadline for the project, on monday I did a lot on the contents page. I quickly finished it up and got some feedback from my teachers and friends. I liked the result and kept using it. Next was the double page spread, I had an idea already due to the research I did. The pressure was really catching up to me as I barely had enough time left to do the critical self reflection and finishing up my blog posts. At Thursday Night is when I have combined everything and finished up all my designs ready to be put up in the blog . The critical self reflection drained me as I had to share time with other subjects as well as the day after (friday) I have multiple tests and mock exams. Therefore I had to sacrifice a subject to be able to finish up this project.
This project was both fun and stressfull. The fun part was designing and geting feedback from my friends in class as we could see each others progress and help each other improve. I also like the feeling of satisfaction I get after i finished up my designs, I had learned a lot starting from sketching all the way to the final piece. From margins, color grading, spacing and lots of other aspects when it comes to designing. I would like to thank my teacher as well for all the feedback given to me and the helpful tips ( such as the use of margins ) that has assisted me on designing my magazine. Nevertheless, the stressfull part was completing it. There was so many trial and errors but the mistakes were good as it helped me improve. However at the same time too many mistakes takes up too much time, thats what happened to me as I had to rush loads of things near the end of the deadline and unfortunately It also had to clash with other subjects.

Component 1 - Brief

 Here is the brief for component 1 I have decided to choose the magazine option

Audience screen feedback

  This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audien...