Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Magazines: Targeting Audiences through Demographics + Psychographics + Genre Theory

 Here are my notes from a lesson about how media companies target audiences I worked as part of a group but participated in the discussion 

Nothing Beats Up OGs, September 2022 (issue), Future plc, Maverick Magazines (publisher)

The World of Server-Side Events, September-Octorber 2023 (issue), EPS Software Corp (publisher)

Here is a layout made by my teacher about how to answer a Section B exam question using the Genre Theory

The genre theory combined with the section B task was quite difficult for me, as it was hard for me to come up with different magazines and compare them. Luckily this task was done in a group and I was assited alot by my friends. I was the one who decided to choose those two magazine covers. It is becomes it was quite easy to identify the genre and the aspects of the cover that makes it able to target the right audience. The practice helps me give a brief idea on how to answer these types of questions, similar to writing a plan for an english test, this may help coming up with a good answer more quickly

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