Monday, February 17, 2025

Audience screen test

 This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audience in order to receive helpful feedback.

The purpose of a screen test is to gain audience feedback about our work and see if there are any improvements that can be made. We decided to use google forms to create a survey to share with our audience because it is a fast and efficient way to collect data as we can easily share it to people (through sharing the link for the google form). Here are some of our questions: 

Music Video Survey Questions

  1. Describe the artist in three words

  2. What do you think is the message of the video?

Digipak Survey Questions (Album Cover)

  1. What emotions do you feel when looking at our digipak? (1-5 scale)

  2. Who do you think is the target audience from how the digipak looks?

  3. Do you feel the design conforms to the Indie genre?

  4. What do you think should be changed/modified from our album cover?

Social Media Survey Questions

  1. Do you follow any artists from the Indie genre? (E.g., Reality Club, Joji, D4vd, Arctic Monkeys, etc)

  2. What do you like about that artist's social media? (E.g., Their posts, stories, followings)

  3. What do you think of our Star's name (Do0od)?

We chose these questions because we believe by collecting these data, we would be able to match whether the audience interpreted the same readings/messages, as us, about the drafts of the music video, digipak, social media and our star’s persona. If it matches up, we’re going in the right direction, if not, we need to find out what needs to be improved upon. We included members of our target demographic in the screen test to ensure that the feedback we receive is appropriate. Finding people for the screen test was difficult because me and my team just finished the drafts near the deadline and the time was already late at night, so there were not many people to survey. Here are the drafts that we showed audiences for the screen test: 

Music Video Draft

Social Media Draft

Digipack Draft

Here are the results from the audience feedback:

Results from Music Video Draft Survey

Results from Social Media & Digipak Draft Survey

From the feedback we learned that all of our audience uses Instagram for daily use so we’re going to target them by making our star’s profile on Instagram. Then, the audience stated that the introduction of the music video draft was slightly dull/dark so we learned from that mistake and are going to improve it through editing it brighter for the final video. Also we’re planning to add abstract illustrations for the background for our album so that it fills up the empty space in the digipak.

We are going to change our star’s name, from Do0od to Do0d, to make it look simpler and cleaner. This also makes it easier for our audience to look up our star in social media. Furthermore, based on the music video feedback, we’re going to make the happy scenes use more vibrant colours in order to make the scene feel more energetic and to further connote that our artist is in a cheerful mood.

This screen test was a useful part of our process because it helped us gain audience feedback and we could identify whether they have the same understanding of the message conveyed as us. Based on the feedback received, we believe we’re going in the right direction as most audiences have the same readings that we originally intended for the music video, social media, and digipak drafts and only need a few adjustments to improve them.

Reflection: How did this screen test help your overall project? How will you improve this next time?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Production: Behind the scenes

 This post includes pictures of our behind-the-scenes that will show each team member's tasks (roles) in each scene. This post was made by Saka and Nicho.

Nicho setting up a suitable camera angle to film our star’s sad scene

Bagas and Nicho organizing to film the talking scene at school, under the umbrella

All people trying to making the bedroom messy to connote a stressful mood

Bagas getting ready to film our star (Doood played by Bagus) on the rooftop 

We didn't have a clipboard so we wrote which scene and the number of takes we were in


  1. Bagas: main cameraman

  2. Nicho: the person who did multicam in most of the scenes 

  3. Saka: brainstormed and planned, what would happen in the scenes, before filming

  4. Bagus: main actor in all the scenes


  • We had trouble with finding a day where everyone has free time

  • Our original actor was another girl but she was busy

  • Weather, rain made it worse for the happy scenes

  • The sunset was never there

  • Time management, whenever we scheduled our filming, one of us are always late

  • Our ball deflated 


  • We tried to do as many scenes as we could whenever all of us were present

  • We found another girl actor

  • We try as much as possible to not show the rain

  • We didn't use a sunset scene

  • We try to schedule the time we meet to be 1 hour earlier in case anyone is late

  • We still managed to use the ball, taping the hole and pumped the ball after every scene

Production: File Organisation

 This is how me and my group organised the video clips for our project

We used our whatsapp group as a way to compile all the clips together ,since we recorded using different phones. After it's compiled I will then download and organise the files on my desktop using file explorer. There is where I categorise the clips according to its location such as school and its bagus’s house.

Advantages of using whatsapp:

  • Easy to connect and send

  • We can discuss things as we send 

  • Being in a group allows all of us to view the clips 

Advantages of using file explorer

  • Does not require an internet connection

  • Easy to access

  • Labeling feature makes it easier to locate video clips

Disadvantages of using whatsapp

  • Requires an internet connection 

  • Quality decreases when we send in whatsapp

Disadvantages of file explorer

  • The amount of things you can put in depends on how much storage you have on your laptop, so if your laptop is full then the less amount of video clips you can put in 

Audience screen test

  This post explains how we showed a rough draft of our music video, album cover, and social media page to some members of our target audien...